The Park Slope Fifth Avenue BID has announced a call for lightpole banner designs. In the coming months, the BID will hang lightpole banners along the avenue, from Dean to 18th Street. They are currently looking for designs for the Summer of 2011.
Here are the details:
- Come up with a unique, Park Slope Fifth Avenue summer banner design and if it is used, you'll receive $100! A special consideration will be given to banners that pick up on patriotic themes, such as the Battle of Brooklyn. Multiple designs will likely be used along the avenue.
- All designs will be featured on Parkslopefifthavenuebid.com
- Overall dimensions of banners are 30”w x 72”h. The design should be 28” x 66”, to allow for hems and pole pockets.
- Designs should be submitted to info@parkslopefifthavenuebid.com by March 1, 2011.
You know, maybe thinking about summer and designing banners for warmer months will make you feel warmer? One could only hope.
Feed off some starving graphic designer and offer a pathetic reward....