Zuzu’s Petals was asked to create a reasonably priced Bridal Bouquet typical of their style for the Wedding Issue of Time Out Magazine. Their choice? Amelia roses, cool water roses, Saint-John’s-wort, scabiosa, thistle and nigella create a lushness of textures within a simple color palette, at $175. See the link: http://newyork.timeout.com/articles/weddings/78984/bridal-bouquets.
Zuzu’x Petals is located at 374 Fifth Ave between 5th and 6th Sts, Park Slope, Brooklyn; 718-638-0918
Fonda of ZP did my wedding bouquet in 1983...lavender roses there, too...and it was a work of art. Picture above shows she has only deepened her artistry (because that's what it is, seriously).